Selasa, 07 April 2009

Picture Number 1315

Picture Number 1314

Picture Number 1313

Picture Number 1312

Picture Number 1311

Picture Number 1310

Picture number 1309

Picture number 1308

1307 Flashman

Picture number 1303

Paper number 1302

Picture number : 1299

Picture number : 1296

Picture number : 1295

Senin, 06 April 2009

Rabu, 01 April 2009

How to Count - Picture Number 10000

This screen capture show how to count my fantasy pictures. I wrote the DATE near the picture to tell us when it stacked to the main paper. Then, at the bottom of paper I put the SPECIAL NUMBER, to identity where we can find the picture later.

I using MICROSOFT EXCEL to collect those data, and if necessary I using MICROSOFT ACCESSS.